At Comercial Méndez we know that sometimes due to the age of the motor or change of user, the manuals can be lost. For this reason, we have updated the website incorporating the Lombardini engine user manual so that you can download them.

In the Lombardini engine user manual, you will find all the necessary information for the correct use and operation of your engine. Preventive maintenance intervals, maintenance, control, review and replacement operations such as oils, filters, belts, antifreeze, etc. Also general warranty conditions, service notes and safety instructions. The correct use and maintenance of the engine will extend the life and ensure proper operation of your engine.

Download the manual

You can download the Lombardini engines user manual directly at the following links or in the Lombardini engines section.

Visit Our Store

If you need original Lombardini spare parts you can buy them in our online store or contact us directly.

In our Lombardini spare parts section you will find the exploded views of each engine and in Lombardini Engines you will find technical sheets with the characteristics of each engine model.