




Motores Minsel manufactures monocylindrical, bicylindrical and tricylindrical engines, both gasoline and diesel, of which we market Minsel spare parts and replacement engines.

These engines are manufactured in Abadiño, Gupizoa, some of them with Ruggerini license and assembled in various agricultural and industrial machinery such as tractors, motorbikes, generators, motorbombs, dumpers, grinders, compacters, scooters, concretes etc.

Different brands of machinery are those that use these engines for their models, such as Agria, Lander, Pasquali, Robel, Tecnoplus, Abamotor etc.

Available in stock
Minsel M430 engine for applications such as irrigation motor pumps, generators or generating sets, motor cultivators, motor hoes, etc. Crankshaft with 23mm conical tip in the thick part with internal thread. This engine replaces Minsel and Ruggerini engines: RF80, RF90, RD80 M380, M470 Can be used to replace Lombardini engines: LDA 520, 530, 6LD 325, 6LD 360, 6LD 400, 6LD435
Available in stock
Minsel M540 engine for applications such as irrigation motor pumps, generators or generating sets, motor cultivators, etc. Crankshaft with 30mm conical tip in the thick part with internal thread. This engine replaces Minsel and Ruggerini engines: RF100, RF120, RF140 M490, M600
Available in stock
Minsel diesel engine valid to replace M605, M608 and Lombardini 7LD 665 engines mounted on fruit harvesting platforms such as Plameca, Marti, Alma agricola, etc.
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