To fill swimming pools, extract water from wells, irrigate, empty tanks or guarantee correct pressure in taps. A motor pump is a device that incorporates a gasoline or diesel engine and whose objective is to transfer liquids from one place to another.

In today's article we will analyze this equipment in depth and we will give you all the necessary information so that you can correctly choose the motor pump you are looking for.

How does a motorized pump work?

The operation of a motor pump is quite simple: a gasoline or diesel engine drives a hydraulic pump that sucks the liquid to later pump it at a certain height and pressure.

Motorized pumps are fairly easy to maintain and, if used correctly, tend to have a long and efficient useful life. At Comercial Méndez we assemble Lombardini motor pumps combining Kohler diesel and gasoline engines with Caprari, HMT and Vilpin pumps.

Criteria for choosing the perfect pump

There are different types of pumps on the market. In the following lines we are going to analyze point by point the key characteristics that you should take into account when purchasing a motorized pump:


Type of liquid that we are going to transport

Not all water is the same. There are different types of liquids with different densities and consistencies, dirtier and cleaner waters, with impurities or crystalline.

  • Dirty waters. Motorized pumps for working with dirty water are equipped to deal with solid residues such as sand and gravel without clogging their mechanisms.
  • clean waters. For swimming pools, rivers or wells, in this case pumps are used that can withstand waste with a very small diameter.
  • Special waters. Motorized pumps for special liquids allow transporting corrosive fluids such as acids, liquid fertilizer, salt water, etc.


Diesel or gasoline engine

At Comercial Méndez we have motor pumps with a gasoline engine and motor pumps with a diesel engine. Let's see their main differences:

  • Gasoline pumps are recommended for occasional use. They are much quieter than diesel pumps and maintenance is simpler. Also, they are much cheaper.

  • Diesel motor pumps are designed for more regular and intense use. They are more powerful, more expensive, and much louder. Maintenance is more demanding, so it is always recommended to follow the manufacturer's instructions.


Automatic or manual start

The motorized pumps can have a manual start -they must be activated by hand for each job- or automatic start -the start-up is carried out automatically, without manual intervention.

flow and pressure

flow and pressure

These two elements are fundamental when choosing a motorized pump, but before continuing, let's review the terms:

  • The flow rate is the amount of liquid that the motorized pump is capable of transporting.
  • Pressure is the force and speed with which water is transported.

These two elements are fundamental when choosing a motorized pump, but before continuing, let's review the terms:

Important! The higher the flow, the lower the pressure and vice versa.


Motor pump autonomy

How long can a motor pump work? That is the autonomy, the number of hours that a motorized pump can work continuously. This depends on the fuel, the size of the tank and the energy expenditure. It will be important to take this into account if you want to use the pump continuously.

You already know all the necessary information to correctly choose your next motorized pump. If you still have any questions to resolve, do not hesitate to contact the team of professionals at Comercial Méndez , we will be happy to help you!