When we talk about agricultural machines we refer to machines specifically designed for agricultural purposes. Its appearance changed the day to day of many people and today they are essential for the agricultural sector. They allow you to cover more work in less time and with less physical effort.

Among the agricultural machinery we can highlight the 3 most common devices: the tractor , the harvester and the seeder . The first offers numerous possibilities since it can be complemented to meet various objectives. Among the accessories of the tractor we find the trailers, the shredders, the milling machines, the brushcutters, the collecting brushes, etc.

To achieve long-lasting operation of your agricultural machinery you have to take into account several aspects. Indeed, some gestures are essential to extend the life of your machine and to work in complete safety.

Within maintenance, preventive maintenance and revisions are distinguished. The first is carried out throughout the work season with small gestures that make it possible to check the proper functioning of the elements and carry out simple actions to keep the pieces clean and in good condition. In addition to this preventive maintenance, it is important that a professional carry out more complete inspections of your machine in order to verify that all the parts are in good condition, to replace any missing parts and to repair any possible faults.

Preventive Maintenance

Preventive Maintenance is divided into several simple operations that you can perform frequently without the need for the help of a professional. Among these operations we find:

  1. Clean the machine after use.
  2. Check engine oil, fuel and radiator water levels. These elements have to be checked on a recurring basis. Eye! These checks are always carried out with the engine off.
  3. Check tire pressure and check valves.
  4. Clean the air filter.
  5. Check the batteries.
  6. Grease the most requested parts.
  7. Check that there are no leaks.

Finally, to achieve optimal operation, do not forget that agricultural machinery is prone to damage with changes in temperature. For this reason, we recommend you store it in a closed place or protect it with a tarp or plastic.

Let's remember that although it seems obvious, it is essential to read the user manual of your machine, in which the manufacturer itself offers the precise instructions to follow for the care of your machine. Each mechanism has its own specifications and the guidelines to follow are not identical for all devices.

regular maintenance

The regularity in the maintenance of your machine is essential to obtain the best prevention and prevent it from spoiling over time. An agricultural machine requires a considerable investment and, as we have mentioned at the beginning of the article, it has an important role in the correct development of your activity. Preventive Maintenance allows you to reduce the risk of breakdowns, accidents and can also be a decisive argument for resale.

Do you need advice on how to maintain the parts of your machine? Do you need to replace any element? At Comercial Méndez we offer you a wide variety of parts and accessories for your agricultural machinery.